Thursday 5 June 2008

Phillippe finds ex-wife's new love 'bizarre'

Ryan Phillippe has reportedly said that he finds it "bizarre" to think about his ex-wife's new relationship.
The 33-year-old star told USA Today that he avoids looking at photographs of his former partner Reese Witherspoon with her new boyfriend Jake Gyllenhaal.
Phillippe said: "It's bizarre. There's plenty of times when I say, 'What a strange situation I've found myself in'. But at a certain point you know it's going to happen, so you are prepared."
When asked to comment on his own love life, the actor said: "It's just something I would really rather not address. It has to be a 'no comment'. "
Phillippe and Witherspoon, who have two children together, split in October 2006.